the chakras are points of action
Never an Executive
Always in a Cube nearby
do you really need a pole
to pole dance?
*this post ghostwritten and published
by a version of me
who doesn’t understand what regret is.
just for a moment...
…let it all be true
never underestimate the power of spray paint
two steps
offer no resistance
pledge no allegiance
I always forget that the lesson in Ghandi’s sparse possessions, his spectacles, his bowl
wasn’t that he needed nothing
it was that he had everything
imagine how important rest is
now times it by 10
now by 1000
now by infinity²
you’re getting close.
the true warrior never prepares for battle
You haven’t begun to understand* what surrender looks like.
*on a positive note, I don’t think it’ll be about ‘understanding’ anymore.
inexcusable and unforgivable are two very different things
Another Choice to Make
If you're concerned you might regret your decision, make the decision anyway.
Then choose not to regret it.
my bones speak
tell their rich story
of exquisite form
and elegant function
How much Resistance appears alongside your Freedom?
Half it.
Now half it again.
You get the idea.
The Oasis will appear once you create it.
Location, Location, Location
I don’t think I’ll someday float on a cloud
or be licked by
orange-red flames.
I think Heaven and Hell are here right Now.
I try to choose wisely.
clear your cache frequently
The more you can receive the more you will receive.
You have to make space for it.
when thinking about it is pleasant,
it’s even more important to experience it,
rather than think about it